Judicial and Family Reform in Texas, 2025 #
Support Financially #
As everyone should be aware, change will take some funding. Please consider making a gift to any advocate that you believe is doing God’s work.
Texans For Judicial Accountability-Donate #
I strongly support Texans for Judicial Accountability, a non-profit that CURRENTLY has multiple bills in the Texas House and Senate.
You can donate HERE
Buy Brooks Coffee #
If you want to buy me a cup of coffee or fuel the Magic Bus. I am NOT a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE sort of guy…sorry.
Cash App: $DrBrooksMcKenzie #
Venmo: @BrooksMcKenziePhD #
Contact Dr. McKenzie: # | Suggested Links: # |
972-837-5678 or HERE (Share anywhere) | LBH Research & Consulting | | Molae Ministeria |
On X: @B_MckenziePhD | (↓↓ for current Legislation ↓↓) # |
On Facebook: Dr-BrooksMcKenzie | Texans for Judicial Accountability |
Support with Time/Talents #
If you choose to become an Active advocate, simply follow the steps below, Easy-Peasy Lemon Squeezy.
1. Find Your Legislators HERE – Save in your Contacts #
Link to find OTHER Senators in your area:
Link to find OTHER Representatives in your area:
Link to see District Maps:
2. Email your Legislators: #
Contact your legislators by entering their information here:
COPY AND PASTE the following message and EMAIL to BOTH OF YOUR legislators, State Senator and Representative. Send it. You can also send the same emails to your local County Chairs.
Hello, I would like to know your position on the following issues that are destroying our Children, Families, and State of Texas. Thank you, and please inform me of when I can meet with you directly.
Judicial Accountability (As listed in the 2024 Temporary Legislative Priorities Committee to The Convention)
The State Commission on Judicial Conduct must be transparent: they shall publish online for public access all complaints, findings, and conclusions, and rationale of the commission. Video and audio recordings of all proceedings shall be created, kept accessible, and preserved for all interested parties in all courts of record for at least 36 months. Civil asset forfeiture shall be abolished.
Texas courts have been under a very bright and well-deserved spotlight for incompetence and corruption. Please inform me as to EXACTLY how you intend to address this threat to our State. Absolute Immunity must end for all officials, elected or appointed.
It is presumed that fit parents act in the best interests of their Children and no State interference shall infringe upon these Rights and Protections. That the “best interest of the Child” standard be codified in the Texas Family Code to mandate 50/50 Equal Shared Parenting in the event of divorce and/or custody disputes, and Children be provided with equal time with BOTH parents, unless one or both parents have been found, with clear and convincing evidence, to be unfit or harmful to his/her Children.
The Texas Family Code shall be rewritten with regards to No-Fault Divorce and Child Custody. This type of suit shall be delineated in such a way as to remove the need for any but the most minimal judicial interaction, saving the parties and the State millions (potentially Billions) of dollars each year, and promoting the maintenance of the nuclear Family via required Intervention/Counseling prior to any decree of divorce. In No-Fault Divorce, the spouse who is not bringing the suit shall have all Primary decision-making rights regarding property, finances, domicile, and all other marital assets and property. The spouse who is not bringing the suit shall have all Primary decision-making rights regarding any minor Children they are the legal parent/guardian of, including, but not limited to residence, religious training, education, medical care, and all other factors affecting the minor Child; 50/50 Equal Shared Parenting shall always be the default, unless one or both parents have been found, with clear and convincing evidence, to be unfit or harmful to his/her Children.
At-Fault Divorce shall remain an option for all other divorce suits that claim “fault” (e.g., abuse, abandonment, etc.). This shall serve as an incentive for restoration and building stronger Families, rather than monetizing the destruction of Children and Families.
That no agency or entity in the State of Texas shall receive any Title IV-D funding for the collection of Child support for a particular case, unless one parent has, either by a court or jury of competent jurisdiction, been found unfit by clear and convincing evidence, or has been presented with Equal Shared Parenting and is unwilling to exercise this time with his/her Children, or is below 2X the United States Poverty Threshold. Child Support shall never be awarded if at least one of these conditions is not met.
The above are destroying Texas children more so than any other cause, and this is actively being facilitated by the State of Texas for financial gain via Title IV-D and other federal monies. We demand that the State of Texas immediately cease the child abuse that has occurred for decades.
Thank you for your prompt response, and please let me know when we can meet.
[Just add your name and/or change to suit you needs.]
3. Call your Legislators: #
Follow up a week later with CALLS to your legislators.
Ask what they are going to do SPECIFICALLY to address the breakdown of our Families. DEMAND that they act now to remove the financial incentives and reduce IMMUNITY and SELF-GOVERNANACE for all court actors. Corrupt Judges, attorneys, and Psychology ‘professionals’ have destroyed our Children and Families for decades via Child Protective Services and family courts.
Censures #
Rule 44 has TEETH! Censure corrupt Republican Judges! It will be used and it will be challenged in court. We are at war, nothing will b easy.
Rule No. 44 – Censure Process and Penalties
- Process. County or District Executive Committee may, after no less than seven days notice and invitation to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before a County or District Executive Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those constituent Executive Committee Precinct Chairs present and voting, but in no case by less than a majority of constituent Precinct Chairs of the County Executive Committee (CEC) in full, adopt a resolution censuring a Republican public officeholder representing all or a portion of that County or District for three (3) or more actions taken during the office holder’s current term in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform as described in Rule No. 43A or to the Legislative Priorities adopted at the most recent State Convention as described in Rule 34(c). Any resolution of censure that does not meet those criteria shall be subject to challenge by a point of order.
Resolution Content: Such a resolution may include a request to impose the penalties below to the SREC. The SREC must confirm or deny penalties prior to early voting of the Republican primary election in which the officeholder is seeking election. While these rules are in effect, that the named officeholder be penalized.
Penalties. If such a request is included, after not less than fourteen 14 days’ notice and opportunity to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before the SREC with the request, the State Republican Executive Committee by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the full membership, may vote to concur with the resolution of censure and impose one or more of the following penalties:
Penalty 1. Declare that no Rule or Bylaw enacted by any division of the Party at any level that demands the Party be neutral in intraparty contests shall be observed with respect to the named officeholder, and no financial or other support shall be pro-vided to their campaign by the Party except that which is required by law. If the officeholder files an application to run for any public office in the Republican Party primary following the censure resolution’s passage, the SREC shall be authorized to spend up to twelve percent (12%) of the Party’s general fund on voter education in the officeholder’s district, by republishing the original censure resolution verbatim, using a media format determined by the SREC.
Penalty 2. Declare that the named officeholder is discouraged from participating in the Republican Party Primary following the censure passage.
Penalty 3. Authorize and direct the chair of the Party and/or any county chair to refuse to accept any application for a place on the ballot of a Republican primary for a period of 24 months following adoption of the censure and imposition of said remedy.
Any above penalty imposed shall expire on the day following the date of the Primary run-off in which the officeholder would be up for reelection. The term “officeholder” as used in this rule shall mean a holder of public office. Nothing within this Rule shall be construed to authorize the removal of a public officeholder; and likewise, nothing within this rule shall serve to limit the removal of any public officeholder under other rule or law.
- Any County Chairman who applies the provisions of Rule 44 and thereby becomes the subject of a lawsuit for doing so shall be indemnified by the Republican Party of Texas, who shall provide counsel to the County Chairman or pay for any expenses incurred re-lated to any suit. The State Party Chairman shall defend in court any suit against the Party arising from the application of Rule No. 44. 39
- The biennium State Convention censures statewide elected officials. Resolutions for cen-sure shall originate at the county/SD convention. County/SD resolutions for censure shall be delivered to the State Chair who delivers the censure to the Platform/Resolution Tempo-rary Chair and provides notice of censure and invitation to the censored official to appear. The Platform/Resolution Committee shall determine whether or not to send to the Conven-tion for a vote. Minority report rules apply. Any elected official censored at the State Con-vention held after the primary in which that official is on the General Election ballot may not incur penalties in this rule. Potential Penalties listed above in Process Section (a) apply to this Section (c).
- Any above penalty imposed shall expire on the day following the date of the Primary run-off in which the officeholder would be up for reelection. The term “officeholder” as used in this rule shall mean a holder of public office. Nothing within this Rule shall be con-strued to authorize the removal of a public officeholder; and likewise, nothing within this rule shall serve to limit the removal of any public officeholder under other rule or law.
- A candidate wishing to file with a state or county chair for a position on a Republican pri-mary ballot shall include the following statement on their application: “I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that I have not been censured under Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas by the SREC, or a state convention in the preceding 24 months prior to this application.” A state or county chair shall declare any application without this statement as incomplete and refuse to accept said application, and follow the prescribed process to no-tify the candidate for a chance to cure the defect, when applicable. If no timely correction is made the applicable chair shall reject the application.
Any CEC, County Convention, or Senatorial Convention, or Texas SREC may originate a censure resolution against the Speaker of the Texas House.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or need a speaker feel free to reach out.
Brooks McKenzie, PhD
Molae Ministeria
Chief Baba-Yaga & Occasional Magic Bus Driver