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Guide: Corrupt Agencies

12 min read

A Guide to Accountability: Agencies and Individuals #

Disclaimer and common sense: Nothing contained herein is legal advice, and is freely available information retrieved from the internet and other resources.

General Suggestions: #

  1. Get yourself a reliable and easy to use recording device, for phone calls and in person conversations (Texas is a “one-party consent” state; )
  2. Recommendations
    1. Pen Recorder
    2. Digital Recorder
    3. Earphone Microphone (to be used for phone calls with above digital recorder)
    4. There are a ton of Apps that do this, I just don’t trust any app.
  3. Record EVERYTHING with EVERY PARTY even your OWN ATTORNEY. I cannot emphasize this enough. Label each recording and save somewhere safe.
  4. Always have at least one (1) witness who can testify to what they see. Never trust anyone, even law enforcement; some will violate their oath for local officials.
  5. Create One (1) large FILE that you will be providing to EVERY AGENCY and OFFICIALS. That way no one can claim they were “unaware”.
    1. Create a very DETAILED but CLEAR/SUCCINCT timeline; no long explanations, just the facts/crimes/failures/persons.
    2. Create a list of ALL actors who are part of anything (CPS, cops, DA, experts, etc.), as this will be your witness and defendant list.
    3. Compile what evidence you can. Medical reports, psychology reports, criminal reports, whatever.
    4. Create a Verified CRIMINAL AFFIDAVIT has links to examples:
      1. Our PREFERRED Affidavit samples are on our site
      2. This AFFIDAVIT will be the FIRST thing in your FILE after the Opening Statement or Cover Letter (however you choose to organize the document, make the AFFIDAVIT very obvious in the document).
  • This is you SWEARING to WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE TRUE. Anything you do NOT KNOW TO BE TRUE but think needs to have that language in there; “I allege that…” versus “I know to be true…”
  2. It but MUST BE NOTARIZED and can be simple but MUST have ALL ELEMENTS (see our other docs “Elements of an Affidavit” or “Template-Criminal Complaint” for examples):
  1. ALL of the COMPLAINTS can be the same. You do not need to create a separate file for each agency you will be contacting. But do try to make it somewhat organized, with each section clearly outlined in a Table of Contents or something similar. Not fancy, just readable.

NOTE. Almost every person/agency you will be dealing with has taken an Oath of Office:—2010-09-PDF

We will use these Administrative Requirements to “force” compliance with these officials and employees. Any who refuse can be seriously disciplined, and most will not want to risk their pensions and careers when you make it VERY CLEAR what you will do if they refuse to honor their Oaths and the Constitution. You are also theoretically laying the groundwork for future litigation, appeals, lawsuits. They will hate you, but they will be nervous and know you are not a ‘normal’ citizen.

Lastly, you may not have issues with an agency named below, simply skip them if there are no concerns (e.g., Judge was awesome, no SCJC).


  1. Record EVERYTHING and always try to have someone with you as a witness. It is preferable to conduct all communication via email (for the record), but that is not always possible.
  2. If you have not, request ALL CPS records for the child, hold them accountable with repeated reminders of your request, or it may take years:
  3. Always send a follow-up email confirming what was discussed/happened/etc. Create a PAPER TRAIL with everything. Save all of these emails in a Specific Folder to make it easier to find later.
  4. File your COMPLAINT that you created for all agencies 2X (below)
  5. File you FIRST COMPLAINT with DFPS Internal Affairs. They will not do anything but cover it up, but now we have them RESPONSIBLE for failing to honor their duties:
  6. Now file your SECOND COMPLAINT with the Office of the Inspector General. They will especially be interested in FRAUD (which is when CPS takes money and fails to do their duty) and CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS (all children have RIGHTS to be SAFE and to their PARENTS).
  7. Get the NAMES of EVERYONE involved in these investigations. Request the name of EVERYONE’S SUPERVISOR. EMAIL the Investigator and Supervisor EVERY WEEK until you get answers.
  8. None of the above will do anything other than provide documentation of CPS failures at a later date. But it will make them uncomfortable since you should not know any of this, and they will get nervous.
  9. Request the INVESTIGATION NUMBER and a copy of the Report from CPS, add this Report Copy to your larger FILE now.
    1. ADD all documentation you get from CPS (do not wait on CPS Case File as this may take a year) to your FILE that will now go to law enforcement.

Local Law Enforcement #

  1. Always take a witness and RECORD everything. It ABSOLUTELY LEGAL to record in any Public Building like a police/sheriff office.
  2. File your Criminal Complaints with:
    1. Local Sheriff
    2. Local District Attorney
    3. Texas Rangers
  3. Sheriff/Police – File a Criminal Complaint on everyone you believe that has violated the law and/or their oaths; cops, DA, Judges, attorneys, expert witnesses, everyone (this is where that very detailed TIMELINE comes into play).
    1. If they refuse to take your Criminal Complaint, ask for the INTERNAL AFFAIRS Duty Officer, then file and Internal Affairs Complaint on the Officer who refused to take your Criminal Complaint.
    2. Then file your original Criminal Complaint with the Internal Affairs Duty Officer who you just filed the Internal Affairs Complaint with.
    3. This is why you record everything and take a witness. The cops will not be pleased with you.
  4. District Attorney – You can file your COMPLAINT directly with law enforcement and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY.
    1. Same process as above, witness, record, and file Internal Complaint on anyone who refuses to take your complaint and assign an Investigation Number.
      1. In fact, you can force a Grand Jury hearing even without the support of the DA, but it is more complicated process.
      2. DA is responsible for investigating everyone, including the judges. They will refuse, but you must try.

Note. It is possible to recall a Sheriff or DA who refuses to investigate Felony complaints. HB17 addresses Rogue DAs, and we know that recalls are possible for other local positions.

HB17 (RECALL Statute):

Recall: “Texas recall elections are only available at the municipal level in cities with their own charter, also called home-rule cities.”

  1. Texas Rangers – can have their investigations shut down by the local DA, but not if the local DA is the one getting investigated. And if the Local DA is refusing to take Felony Complaints, that is a reason to investigate a DA…see the pattern?
    1. ADD all documents you get from above processes to the FILE you will now give to Legislators.

State Commission on Judicial Conduct (SCJC) #

The SCJC is the equivalent of Human Resources but for our Texas Judiciary. Any HR is NOT there for the employee, customer, or client, HR exists solely to prevent the company (Courts in this example) from getting sued or in trouble. The SCJC will do NOTHING, but you must file to create a paper-trail and it will do a lot behind the scenes…

The SCJC has also made it increasingly difficult to file a complaint as there is no longer any online access to file complaints. Go figure.

  1. IF you believe that your judge has violated the law OR the Code of Judicial Conduct, file a complaint. Process, Forms, and Judicial Code of Conduct here:
  2. You MUST provide a NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT! Even though the forms say you can just sign, if you do not provide an AFFIDAVIT, it will be rejected. Almost like they want to make it impossible…
    1. Simply use a similar Affidavit that you submitted for the CRIMINAL AFFIDAVIT, but this will ONLY be about the judge’s behavior and violations of law and ethics. Nothing else.
    2. List all witnesses and contact info in the Affidavit
  3. The complaint will be rejected, but we are again maintaining a paper-trail.
  4. ADD all documents you get from above processes to the FILE you will now give to Legislators. DO NOT wait for a response. It can literally be years.

State Bar of Texas #

  1. Link to file a Grievance:
  2. Upload/Attach your Criminal Complaint/Affidavit if applicable

Legislators #

  1. Find your local State Level legislators:
    1. You have one (1) State Representative
    2. You have one (1) State Senator
    3. You also have national level Rep and Senator, but we want the State Rep and Senator
  2. Put their contact info into your phone, you will use it a lot.
  3. Email their offices and request an in-person meeting as you are their “Constituent” and have serious “concerns about the state of our judiciary and the safety of our children”.
    1. If you want, it is possible that Dr. Brooks McKenzie can attend those meetings with you.
    2. As a Constituent you can bring along scientific expert to support your meeting
    3. Also, becoming ‘friendly’ with office staff can go a looooong way.
  4. AFTER getting the meeting set, email your FILE with all the CRIMINAL AFFIDAVITS/COMPLAINTS to their staff before your meeting so they can read it, and now your legislator is responsible to uphold their Oath of Office…which means they have to look into it and refer it for investigation…
    1. Do this for both the Representative and Senator
    2. Contact anyone you know who lives in these Senate and House Districts and ask them to make similar contact demanding JUDICIAL REFORM and FAMILY LAW REFORM. If even 10 people contact that office with the same topic, it has a massive impact. And everyone knows at least 10 people who could send an email or make a phone call.
  5. Follow up with your legislator’s office every week or two, asking what steps they have taken. Put a REMINDER in your phone and ride their butts. Demand they call the Texas Rangers to investigate local corruption, ask for copies of those communications. Demand it.


The Office of the Attorney General can also be sent your entire Criminal Packet. Send your Criminal FILE to the Criminal Investigations Division, then CC that OAG investigator on ALL the emails you will be sending legislators over the next few months. OAG Criminal Investigations Unit:


  1. I am willing to attend any meeting with any legislator/official as an “advocate”, if I can logistically manage attendance.
  2. Attend every local political group you can stomach. Meet the leaders, talk about your issues, make it their issue, make them understand how this affects everything when we break children. Become active and you will influence the people who get your Sheriff, DA, Judges, etc. elected. You can literally take away their political and financial support in about 3 moths in most cases.
  3. If you have any influence with local groups, ask them to have speakers on this topic, then invite all the local judges, sheriffs, DAs. The Social Pressure from such an event will make most local “very concerned” when the event is being put on by the same group who got them through the Primaries.
    1. Ideas for such an Event;
      1. We The Parents Movie – Texas
        1. A 50 Minute movie on the corruption of Family Courts, and a Panel for Discussion has been a great event
      2. Sound of Hope: Story of Possum Trot
        1. A 2-hour movie about the need to protect Texas Children, with a Speaker afterwards
  • Texans for Judicial Accountability
    1. Jennifer Lindy is spearheading Accountability in our corrupt Texas Judiciary and has multiple Supreme Court Justices assisting with the reform efforts.
  1. Dr. Brooks McKenzie will speak anywhere, anytime if it is logistically possible. He is a bit of a clown, but seems to be knowledgeable in the area of Child Development and our corrupt courts.
  1. RECALLS & REMOVALS: Our local officials can often be recalled relatively easily (e.g., petitions and a suit). If the Sheriff and DA are ignoring felonies, you have grounds for a Recall/Removal and a Criminal Complaint to the Texas Rangers and OAG, depending.
  2. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF BECOMING WELL KNOWN WITH LOCAL POLITICAL GROUPS AND YOUR STATE REP & SENATOR. If you do not know how to do it or where to go, call me and I will go with you.

Please know that what is outlined above will make you very unpopular with these agencies and some officials. But if you are reading this, that is likely already your reality. Also know that Dr. Brooks McKenzie is willing to help in any way possible, but your association with Dr. McKenzie will likely not win you any friends within the Legal Industry. In fact, your own attorney may quit your case if you ask for my help. Full disclosure.

Any other ways I can help, I will. If I do not know, I will try to find someone who does know the answer.

Get more resources and assistance at

Note. This information was taken from publicly available governmental websites. None of this is original material. And nothing contained herein is legal advice.

Be blessed, be a warrior.

Brooks McKenzie, PhD
Chief Baba-Yaga/Driver of a Magic Bus
Molae Ministeria

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