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Sample: Email Your Legislators

2 min read

Sample: Email to Legislators Demanding Meeting #

Disclaimer and common sense: Nothing contained herein is legal advice, and is simply a suggested way of communicating. Also, this is Texas-centric, but change for your needs…

Suggested Recipients: #

  1. All State Level Legislators over the County, which you can find here:
  2. Your Sheriff and DA Criminal Investigations Divisions
  3. Your County Judge and Commissioners Court
  4. Your local GOP/Dem clubs
  5. Anyone else you think needs to understand what is happening

Get more resources and assistance at

Sample Text below is what could be sent, after it was personalized.


I, YOUR NAME, am requesting in person meetings with each LEGISLATOR/OFFICIAL receiving this email. As elected officials and Oath holders you are required to address the rampant crimes occurring across YOUR COUNTY County. These crimes are actively being committed by elected officials and statutorily requires investigation by our OAG as fiduciary relationships (and crimes) prevent any local investigation.

Attached in a copy of the Criminal Complaint submitted to the Magistrate of the COURT YOU FILED THE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, AND THE DATE IT WAS FILED, and copies were delivered to the YOUR COUNTY County Sheriff and District Attorney, along with the JUDICIAL REGION OVER YOUR COUNTY Administrative Judicial Region (AJR). To date, I have had no response from any of the herein named parties and actors; this lack of response and failure to refer for investigation to the OAG will be/are violations of the Oath of Office for all notified Oath Holders and named actors herein. These violations will be addressed in future Criminal Complaints.

Many legislators and agencies will be receiving numerous reports similar to this over the next few months, concerning numerous cases that have been illegally handled by these same and similar court actors and local officials. As such, let this email act as in introduction to what will be happening the entire time of legislative session: you will be inundated by sworn and Verified Criminal Affidavits/Complaints. Each of these will be sufficient to take action against the offending officials, per the Constitution and the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

We know that the local officials will take no action, so think of this as the first step to recalling corrupt Texas Sheriff and DAs who refuse to prosecute corrupt judges and court actors, if they continue to fail to maintain their Oaths.

What is being executed across Texas is a mechanism that has been in the making since last legislative session. This will be across the state in a matter of weeks, with numerous elected officials (judges/justices, DAs, Sheriffs, OAG employees, etc.) being reported for their criminal behavior and violations of their Oaths.

I will be bringing an Expert, Dr. Brooks McKenzie, to these meetings if his schedule allows. Dr. McKenzie is known statewide for his expertise on all matters affecting the child/family and the utter corruption in our courts. Additionally, I believe Dr. McKenzie was key in adding the ability to Censure Judges to Rule 44, and adding Judicial Accountability and Family Law Reform within the Top 15 RPT Priorities, so many of you may already be familiar.

I look forward to your ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of this email, and am requesting the in-person meeting before the start of legislative session. Thank you for your response.

***The above is a sample Template.***

If you send an email AFTER you filed a Criminal Complaint/Affidavit, wait a week then follow up with calls to each legislator over your county. Baba-Yaga will come with you if possible, but make that appointment and take witnesses…

Note. This information was taken from publicly available governmental websites. None of this is original material. And nothing contained herein is legal advice.

Be blessed, be a warrior.

Brooks McKenzie, PhD
Chief Baba-Yaga/Driver of a Magic Bus
Molae Ministeria

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